Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Job!!!

I got offered to work in nursery at church on Sundays for the next three months. Its a paid position and help out a lot. I'm so excited about it and can't wait to start in February. I'm still working at snooppeland as well during the week. 


Friday, January 7, 2011


Its finally 2011 the year I'm getting married. Closer it gets more excited Kyle and I get. Weddings plans are coming along great. Things are beginning to fall into place. Still crossing off the days and counting down 211 days left to go. For Christmas we got lots household items and loved them. We got cookware set from his parents and Kitchen Utensils Set from his brother Andy and his sister in law Tara. Pot holders and towels from Andy, Tara, Grandma Janice, Grandma Bonnie and Papa Hank. Also got tools for our house as well. It was a great Christmas and this year Christmas will be even better being our first Christmas married. We Can't wait!!
